Women Who Rock's Stress Management Tips


April is Stress Awareness Month, and while stress is a typically unavoidable part of life, too much of it can have a very negative impact of your health. Conditions that stem from too much stress include heart disease, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, and more. Here are some of our favorite tips to help keep your everyday stressors at a manageable level.

1. Be mindful of what you eat and drink. Eating a balanced diet and restricting certain stimulants like caffeine and sugar can help prevent your stress levels from growing out of hand. With that being said, there’s also nothing wrong with occasionally treating yourself to a fancy coffee or a slice of cake to unwind!

2. Exercise regularly. Light to moderate exercise on a regular basis provides a slew of health benefits for your body and your brain, including lowered amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone. Going for a jog while listening to your favorite music is also a great way to separate yourself from a stressful situation for a bit.

3. Study and practice relaxation techniques. There are tons of relaxation techniques out there such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and more to help you reach the best headspace in order to reduce stress. If you’re not sure where to start, you can find lots of informative articles online and video tutorials on YouTube.

4. Set realistic goals and expectations. One of the most common sources of stress comes from people placing unrealistic goals and expectations on themselves and feeling upset and overwhelmed if they are unable to live up to their own standards. By taking an honest look at your skills and abilities, you can reduce stress by not pushing yourself too far.

5. Make time for leisure activities. Women often lead very busy lives, but it is important to take a break from the grind regularly and make time for doing the things you love. Whether that be making art, listening to music, reading a book, or just watching your favorite show, making time for yourself is one of the best ways to manage your stress.

6. Manage social media time. Many of us are guilty of spending too much time mindlessly scrolling through Facebook and Instagram, but this can have a negative impact on our stress levels since what we see on social media often gives us unrealistic expectations. You can reduce your exposure to this by unplugging every now and then and reminding yourself that social media is not the equivalent to the real world.

7. Connect with others. Discussing your stressors with a close friend or family member is a great way to release pent up anxiety and feel less alone in your troubles. Even if you prefer to not discuss what’s on your mind, spending time with your girls is also a great way to unwind for a while.

8. Get enough sleep. Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep at night leads to higher levels of stress and increases your risk of other health conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. It is recommended that adults get seven or more hours of sleep per night.

9. Accept your needs. Every person has different triggers that cause them stress, and acknowledging these triggers is one of the best ways to begin managing your stress. Even if you can’t avoid your triggers completely, understanding what they are can better prepare you to face stressful situations.

10. Get a hug from a loved one. While this tip might sound simple and a little bit silly, physical affection from someone you love is a great way to immediately reduce stress when you find yourself feeling worked up. Hugs also cause your brain to release oxytocin, otherwise called “the cuddle hormone,” which gives you stress-combative feelings of connection, bonding, and trust.


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