ICYMI: #WomanCrushWednesday IG Live featuring Cheryl Rinovato



Growing up, Cheryl Rinovato had a lot of people ask her why she played guitar simply based on the fact that, at the time, female guitar players were something of a rarity. Today, she is able to boast not just one, but three prestigious Jim Weber Awards for Blues Guitarist of the Year.

As a child, Rinovato’s parents loved music, which helped to lay the foundation for her future passion. She recalls her father having a large stereo in their home, and the music he played caused her to develop a love for big productions.

She then went on to attend the Berklee College of Music as one of very few female guitar players in a music scene that was heavily based in jazz.

“It was intimidating, being a female guitarist with little jazz exposure,” Rinovato recalled.

Despite that, however, Rinovato says that she will never forget her experience at Berklee, where she made connections with many incredible musicians from all across the country. It also allowed her to become a studio musician touring across New England before she eventually settled in Pittsburgh to continue her career.

Another highlight of her music career was her time spent in a disco band, where she played small gigs six nights a week of the year at Holiday Inn hotels. While this was a very demanding schedule, Rinovato enjoyed the experience.

“It put a roof over my head,” Rinovato said. “I have no complaints.”

After the shine of a nomadic musician lifestyle wore off, and coming from a family of pharmacists, she decided to go back to school to get a degree in pharmaceuticals. She then worked as a pharmacist for Giant Eagle for 25 years.

She did not really return to music until she retired about three years ago, and now she is back in force. Rinovato now plays in a band called Soulful Femme alongside vocalist Stephanie “Stevee” Wellons, whom she met when they collaborated to win a blues challenge.

After meeting Wellons, Rinovato recalls thinking, “This is the person I want to work with.”


Perhaps one of Rinovato’s biggest prides is her endorsement with Delaney Guitars, which provided her with custom made guitars based on her preferences.

Rinovato was able to customize every aspect of her instrument, so that the final product was something straight out of her dreams. The neck of the guitar is even decorated with her last name.

“It’s something I’ll never forget and never take for granted,” Rinovato said of her endorsement.

While the COVID-19 global pandemic mostly sapped her plans for a Florida tour back in March, Rinovato has still been working hard to stay connected with her fans during a time when everyone seems to be mostly separated from one another.

One of these undertakings is a project called Band Together Pittsburgh, which works to provide vocational music programs for children with autism. She has also been playing outdoor shows most weekends in September and October.

“It’s challenging but I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else right now,” Rinovato said.

Additionally, being a female guitarist in a largely male-dominated field comes with its own set of challenges, but she says that most people have been very kind. However, she has heard the argument that she only receives attention as a musician because she is a woman.

Regardless, Rinovato is determined to not let that deter her from her dreams and goals as a musician. What she loves the most is the support she receives from other female musicians who face the same challenges as her.

“There is just something different about women supporting women,” Rinovato said.

For more on Cheryl Rinovato, be sure to check out the entire IG Live interview on Instagram @OfficialWomenWhoRock.


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